First2 Network
General Info about First2 Network
The First2 Network brings together a growing number of organizations representing higher education institutions, K-12 education, federally funded research labs and industry associations aimed at improving the graduation rate of undergraduate STEM students, with emphasis on rural, first-generation students through their first two years of college. Our shared goals are to 1) double the number of STEM graduates (from 30% to 60%) in West Virginia within 10 years, 2) build a collaborative culture that results in a sustainable, long-lived improvement network through defining common barriers faced by rural first generation students and testing changes towards improvement, 3) complete a comprehensive research study to advance understanding of the factors affecting rural, first-generation student entry into and persistence in STEM career pathways, and 4) create a model program for other EPSCoR states and expand our Alliance to 2 additional EPSCoR states within 5 years.
The WV-INBRE program hopes to recruit from this pool of high-achieving First2 students as they enter college. First2 adminstrative representatives will direct interested students who have participated in the First2 program to apply for INBRE biomedical research internships.
Research Internship for First2 Students at West Virginia University & Marshall University
WV-INBRE program will provide funding for First2 Students attending West Virginia University and Marshall University to participate in biomedical science research. Funding will be provided to pay the student $18/hour to work for 15 hours per week for 25 weeks on the research for the 2024-2025 academic year. Projected start date of the internship is mid-October 2024 and funding will continue until April 30, 2025. To learn the list of mentors at West Virginia University and Marshall University, respectively, please refer to the WVU/Marshall mentors Directory.
WVU/Marshall Mentors Directory
Research Internship for First2 Students at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUIs)
WV-INBRE program will provide funding for First2 Students attending Bethany College, Bluefield State College, Shepherd University, University of Charleston, West Liberty University, West Virginia State University and West Virginia Wesleyan University to participate in biomedical science research. A maximum of 3 internships. Funding will be provided to pay the student $18/hour to work for 15 hours per week for 25 weeks on the research for the 2024-2025 academic year. Projected start date of the internship is mid-October 2024 and funding will continue until April 30, 2025. To learn the list of mentors at West Virginia University and Marshall University, respectively, please refer to the PUIs Mentors Directory.