WV-INBRE / West Virginia IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence / NIH (NIGMS) Grant # P20GM103434


Procedure for Filing Grievance or Concern

If you have a grievance or concern about any component (other than the principal investigator) or action of WV-INBRE, please report your grievance or concern to the principal investigator, Dr. Gary Rankin, by email at [email protected] or regular mail at Department of Biomedical Sciences, One John Marshall Drive, Marshall University, Huntington, WV 25755. Dr. Rankin and the Program Coordinator, Dr. Stan Hileman, will work to address the concern or grievance. If the grievance or concern is about the principal investigator, please report your issue to the Chair of the External Advisory Committee, Dr. Kenneth Tew at [email protected]. Dr. Tew will work with the External Advisory Committee to resolve the grievance or concern.
