Summer Research Fellowship for Faculty
Nine weeks of graduate-level research in the field of biomedical sciences. Fellowships in biomedical research for faculty at the partner institutions in the WV-INBRE network will conduct mentored research projects at West Virginia University and Marshall University.
Program Summary
WV-INBRE is pleased to announce the availability of Summer Research Fellowships in biomedical research for faculty at the partner institutions in the WV-INBRE network. The 2024 Summer Research Program will run from May 28 till July 30, 2024, with the Summer Research Symposium to be held on July 30 at West Virginia University. A stipend of $13,000 is paid to the fellow for the 9-week research experience. Positions are available for fellowships at WVU Health Sciences Center and Marshall University School of Medicine. Application deadline is December 11, 2023.
If a faculty member is interested in applying for a fellowship, he/she should contact Dr. Mangiarua ([email protected]) to discuss his/her research interests. If the individual does not have a specific mentor in mind at one of the institutions, Dr. Mangiarua will direct him/her to one or more mentors for further discussion.
Application Deadline
All application materials are due by the end of the business day, December 11, 2023.